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Cranium Cadoo


Age Group  (7+)

Number of Players: 2 +players. 


Cranium Cadoo

Prepare to laugh, giggle, imagine, create, and decode! This is a “junior” version of Cranium for children, that kids and adults really enjoy! The challenges result in loads of laughs. The kids build creativity, language skills, logical and creative thinking, fine motor skills, visual skills, positive competition skills, independence, and teamwork.
Meets Expectations
Family Fun Factor
User Rating : No Ratings Yet !

The Essentials

Prepare to laugh, giggle, imagine, create, and decode! This is a “junior” version of Cranium for children, that kids and adults really enjoy!

The first player to place four tokens in a row (across, up, down, or diagonally) on the gameboard wins! To do this, Cranium Cadoo requires players to complete activities that challenge them to use logic and to tap into their creativity.

The first player rolls the die which will indicate, either a Solo or Combo – guiding which category of cards to draw from. Solo Cards challenge the player to complete the task independently and the Combo Cards require a group effort.

Players read the instructions out loud, a timer is set, and each round begins! Solo Cards include challenges titled code cracker, ace observer, double meanie, fast find, and minimax. The challenge tasks require them to search the area for specific items that match the description, solve brain teasers, answer trivia questions, and build their homonym skills.

Combo Cards have 3 different categories — cameo, cloodle, and sculptorades. To win the token, players must act out, sketch, or sculpt clay to depict the secret word on the card. The player that draws the Combo Card acts out the secret word, and the other players race to be the first  guess what the action is for their chance at a token as well.

To decode the secret word or answer key, players get to use the decoder mask – very motivating to kids. When a player successfully completes the challenge on a Solo Card, they place one token on the spot of their choosing. When successful on a Combo Card task, the player that drew the card chooses a spot on the game board for their token, and the player that guesses the correct answer first, places their token on top of it.


Fun Factor  

The challenges result in loads of laughs. The kids build creativity, language skills, logical and creative thinking, fine motor skills, visual skills, positive competition skills, independence, and teamwork.

The variety of fun, active challenges makes it easy to engage in this game repeatedly.

The graphics are cool and the tools required to decode, sketch, sculpt, act, and solve puzzles are excellent.

Kid report repeat play and a high fun factor because of the variety of challenges, getting to work alone and as a team, and racing to beat the clock; parents have fun playing this game with their younger and teen aged children.

The panel of experts and kid consultants give this game two thumbs up for high interaction and repeat playing – this game should definitely be in the standard rotation!  

Set-Up and Clean-Up

The ability to set-up, clean- up, and store this game is easy. The packaging is excellent – the box is sturdy and the game pieces are well made.  

The IF-THEN’S and the BUT’S

If your child is a “mouther” — prone to placing non-edibles in their mouth, supervision is required as some pieces are small enough to be a choking hazard. 


When using toys and games, we can facilitate increased general learning and target specific learning areas; enhance creativity and imagination; further foster problem solving and memory; target specific physical (gross and fine motor) skills, social skills, and communication; and we can foster sensory processing and modulation. Learn how to maximize the use of this product for your child, clients, or patients.  

NOTE: Not all games lend to a wide variety of alternate strategies. The level and amount of suggestions will vary from game to game and may be added to from time to time.

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Membership includes additional information aimed to maximize the use of the toys and games we review.  Basic Membership includes limited access to our top tips and strategies and Silver/Gold Memberships include full access.


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