yeti in my spaghetti - mPowerME
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yeti in my spaghetti

yeti in my spaghetti



Age Group  (4+)

Number of Players: 2 or more players. 

Game Time: approximately 5 minutes per round.

Yeti in My Spaghetti

Fun twist on pick-up sticks and all the "don't drop" games! It is a quick game, that is easy to set-up and clean-up. Panel of Experts report therapeutic benefit; parents and kids report repeat play and engagement. Focus on fine motor skills, visual attention, turn taking and impulse control, intro to strategic thinking, and motor control.
Family Fun Factor
Meets Expectations
User Rating : No Ratings Yet !

The Essentials

This game has 2 simple rules:

  1. If you touch a noodle you have to take it – no feeling around in the “food.”
  2. You may use both hands to remove your noodle, but only one at a time.

It is a great twist on pick-up sticks and all the games centered around “don’t break, don’t rock, don’t spill…” etc.

This game facilitates socialization, fine motor skills, coordination, friendly competition, joint attention, visual attention, and simple strategic thinking. In addition, motor planning, sequencing, impulse control, graded use of force, control, and visual information processing can be facilitated.

Fun Factor  

This game has an good Family Fun Factor! Adults and siblings (of different ages and skill levels) report enjoying this game. Adults are not needed though, it is fantastic for peer groups aged 4+ to play independently.  Further this game is a fun way to introduce the concept of strategy to young children and  children with special needs. For children with special needs, this game will elevate their ability to play simple strategy games that are also socially appropriate for their age.  This is a good game to recommend for HEP, if you don’t consistently use it in practice. 

The panel of experts and kid consultants give this game two thumbs up for interaction and repeat playing. I recommend this game for the clinical setting, for social groups, after school programs, pre-K/K classrooms, and special education environments. 

Set-Up and Clean-Up

The ability to set-up, clean- up, and store this game is simple. 

The IF-THEN’S and the BUT’S

If your client or students are oral seeking, the “noodle” can be a concern — use with close supervision.

The game is simple and does not contain “bells and whistles” – nonetheless it is engaging and the short game play required makes it easy to use for teaching skill and building attention.


Depending on the toy or game, as therapists and educators, it is typical that we vary the way we use the game and its components to facilitate underlying skills that may be required to play the game for children who are differently abled.

We can increase general learning and target specific learning areas, further enhance creativity and imagination, foster problem solving and memory, target additional physical (gross and fine motor) skills, social skills, communication; and foster sensory processing and modulation.

Through activity analysis, we learn how to maximize the use of the toys and games we use with our clients/students/patients. Here you will find some suggestions that may help you maximize the versatility in every product.

NOTE: Not all games lend to a wide variety of alternate strategies. The level and amount of suggestions will vary from game to game and may be added to from time to time.

Gain access for enhanced tips and strategies by joining our Membership.  

Membership includes additional information aimed to maximize the use of the toys and games we review.  Basic Membership includes limited access to our top tips and strategies and Silver/Gold Memberships include full access.


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